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Laughter at the Cellular Level

When you laugh, this is an overview of how your body changes at the cellular level: Cells that produce antibodies increase in number. Cells that combat viruses fall into formation and get ready for battle. All of this is the direct result of a good joke! No wonder comedians like George Burns live so long!

Mediterranean Diet

by Dr. Francisco Contreras     A MEDITERRANEAN DIET is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, complex carbohydrates, olive oil and red wine (or red grapes or grape juice). You can also obtain the same effect through supplementation, as we will discuss later. There is no doubt that eating a diet rich in fruits and

New and Effective Use for Chemotherapy

Effective Use for Chemotherapy By Dr. Francisco Contreras How do we use chemotherapy at the Oasis of Hope? Chemotherapy is an anti-cancer therapy that uses cytotoxic drugs to kill cancer cells. There is an incredibly vast array of cytotoxic drugs and an infinite number of ways of combining and administering them. The precise treatment administered will

Stage 4 Cancer Treatments How We Give Hope to Stage Four Cancer “The cancer has progressed to Stage Four.” This daunting prognosis is usually followed by, “There’s nothing more we can do.” But is it really time to throw in the towel and say “I give up. You win”? The truth is, although stage four cancer is a

How Cancer Rises

by Dr. Francisco Contreras Throughout life, the human body accumulates mutations in the genetic material of its stem cells – cells that retain the capacity to divide. This genetic material (DNA) can be damaged by activated carcinogens derived from the environment, or by oxidant chemicals produced as natural part of cellular metabolism. Mutations can also