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Home/Tag:immune system

Chronic Stress and Immune Suppression

There is no greater cancer control agent than your own immune system. In fact, if the system is functioning perfectly, it's actually impossible for cancer to proliferate and develop into tumors. Among its many different cells with different tasks - monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, T cells, B cells, are natural killer (NK) cells, antitumor effectors

The Impact of Stress on the Immune System

Stress seems to be an integral part modern life. It presses in upon us from everywhere - our jobs, our families, our neighbors, other drivers, the weather - you name it. You may think that these stresses create our attitudes, and they can. But it also works the other way around; our internal attitudes impact

Boost Your Immune System with Laughter

By Dr. Francisco Contreras IN A SERIES of studies at Loma Linda University in California, researcher Lee Berk discovered that watching a comedy video can strengthen your immune system in very measurable ways. Just as stressful emotions such as grief and anger can suppress your immune system, positive emotions such as laughter can have the

Immune Stimulation Therapy

New alternative treatments  include a number of agents that can aid the immune system’s ability to attack cancer by optimizing the function of natural killer (NK) cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes. NK cells have the potential to kill a broad range of cancer cells, whereas cytotoxic T lymphocytes target cancer cells that express specific proteins