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Home/Change from Visitor by Humanitarian Reasons to Temporary Resident

Change from Visitor by Humanitarian Reasons to Temporary Resident

(FM3-FM2/Temporary Resident and Humanitarian Reasons)

For holders of the condition of stay by humanitarian reasons, thatending their procedure can be found under an applicable assumption for a Temporary Residence.

To make the change of the condition of stay once the procedure is concluded, the foreigner must accredit the corresponding requisites stipulated under de Immigration Law, this by economic solvency, invitation letter, investor or by having real estate.


What do I need to apply for a change to Visitor by Humanitarian Reasons to Temporary Resident?

To apply for temporary a residence on humanitarian grounds, the foreigner must have a current visitor document on humanitarian grounds, in addition have completed the process that created the authorization of their immigration status.

Schedule a consultation with our team, to analyze the alternatives on which you can obtain temporary resident status.

Where can I apply for a change from Visitor by Humanitarian Reasons to Temporary Resident?

You can start your application process at any office of the INM, accompanied by the necessary documentation (INM).

HH Consultants can advise on these procedures, so you can change your condition of stay and get your immigration document as soon as possible.

By this way you can start creating immigration history, so that at the end of four years as a temporary resident you may acquire permanent residence in Mexico.

How long does it take? 

It always depends on the office that the procedure is presented at, as well as the documents along with it.

This type of procedure usually takes longer than the rest, and based on our records it has been taking around 5 to 10 business days.

HH Consultants strongly advises to consultan immigration specialist to avoid delaying your process. If you would like for us to help you process your request, please schedule a consultation and our team will provide you with all the details.

How do I start my procedure?

By scheduling an appointment with one of our consultants, please keep in mind that H&H Consultants can always help you in person or online.

We strongly advise you to consult with an expert before you start any immigration procedure, there are many ways for you to save money and improve your migratory history.

For how long is my document valid?

It can be valid for up 1 to 4 years.

If you are interested in knowing more about the requirements for your document to be valid for more than 1 year, in HH we can guide you on the process and the advantages of applying for a longer period of time.

Can I get permission to work with my temporary resident document, obtained by visitor exchange status for humanitarian reasons?

One of the alternatives that allows you to change the status of stay of temporary resident is the job offer, so that your temporary resident document counts with permission for you to perform an activity in exchange for remuneration in the country.

How often I travel outside of Mexico with my temporary resident document, obtained by visitor exchange status for humanitarian reasons?

You can leave the country as often as desired, as long as this current immigration document is valid.

In HH, once the migratory document is granted, we let you know about the obligations, rights and recommendations for your immigration status.

This in order to avoid any problems that may jeopardize your immigration history, since we know that most foreigners who come to Mexico, usually remain more than one year, or seek to obtain their permanent residence in the country. By this, it is very important to have the necessary information to no affect your migratory history.

Nevertheless, if you already have your immigration document, and you have presented it on your own, feel free to contact one of our consultants, who will guide you on the recommendations to be taken into account to carry a good immigration history.

How much does it costs?

In this specific cases, HH Consultants offers a pro bono service depending on the vulnerability of the situation, if you are interested in this please contact one of our consultants to inform you better.

Also, if you want to start a regular process, the cost may be different according to each case’s characteristics.

As a consequence, we evaluate every case with an initial interview (40 dlls, that will be deducted from the total cost).

Withthe purpose of obtaining the most information possible, in order to determine if this type of procedure is the correct one.

If it is not the best option, we will let you know what will be the process that we need to follow.

HH helps foreigners like you to regularize their migratory status, so that you can enjoy your stay in Mexico without worrying of your legal status in the country.

Inmigration law

Visitor for humanitarian reasons (Article 52)
Temporary resident (Article 52)
Article 53